Moja strona
Tuwim, Choinka
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}date not found
Tuwim, Cel
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}date not found
Exodus, Księga Wyjścia tłum. Cylkow
Book parse error.
Extra content at the end of the document, line 813, column 19 (<string>, line 813)
Julian Tuwim, Kwiaty polskie
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}date not found
Berent, Żywe kamienie
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}date not found
Baczyński, *** (Dramat)
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
Zapolska, Panna Maliczewska
Book parse error.
Extra content at the end of the document, line 9174, column 604 (<string>, line 9174)
Makuszyński, Awantury arabskie
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}date not found
Selma Lagerlöf, Kazanie babki
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}date not found
Baczyński, Elegia I
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
Baczyński, Elegia (To odwaga - życie...)
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
Baczyński, Jesień 41 r.
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
Baczyński, Jesień pragnień
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
Baczyński, *** (Jesień to gwiazdy...)
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
Baczyński, *** (Jesteś o tyle spojrzeń)
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
Baczyński, Człowiek, który chciał żyć drugi raz
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
Baczyński, Dla Zuzy
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
Baczyński, Do Andrzeja Kamińskiego
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
Baczyński, Drogi nocne
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
Baczyński, Dzieci na mrozie
Metadata parse error.
Required field {}title not found
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Liczba znalezionych części dokumentu nie zgadza się z liczbą części audiobooka. Konieczna jest korekta za pomocą atrybutów
Nagłówek cięcia
Początek (linia 0)
Foreword by the author (linia 139)
Acknowledgements (linia 192)
Phonetic note (linia 223)
Table of contents (linia 233)
Introduction. The subject, method and scope of this inquiry (linia 350)
Chapter I. The country and inhabitants of the Kula district (linia 539)
Chapter II. The natives of the Trobriand Islands (linia 681)
Chapter III. The essentials of the Kula (linia 880)
Chapter IV. Canoes and sailing (linia 1034)
Chapter V. The ceremonial building of a waga (linia 1201)
Chapter VI. Launching of a canoe and ceremonial visiting tribal economics in the Trobriands (linia 1410)
Chapter VII. The departure of an overseas expedition (linia 1876)
Chapter VIII. The first halt of the fleet on Muwa (linia 2061)
Chapter IX. Sailing on the sea-arm of Pilolu (linia 2208)
Chapter X. The story of shipwreck (linia 2407)
Chapter XI. In the Amphletts --- sociology of the Kula (linia 2836)
Chapter XII. In Tewara and Sanaroa --- mythology of the Kula (linia 3134)
Chapter XIII. On the beach of Sarubwoyna (linia 3686)
Chapter XIV. The Kula in Dobu --- technicalities of the exchange (linia 4021)
Chapter XV. The journey home --- the fishing and working of the kaloma shell (linia 4234)
Chapter XVI. The return visit of the Dobuans to Sinaketa (linia 4344)
Chapter XVII. Magic and the Kula (linia 4533)
Chapter XVIII. The power of words in magic --- some linguistic data (linia 4922)
Chapter XIX. The inland Kula (linia 5490)
Chapter XX. Expeditions between Kiriwina and Kitava. (linia 5596)
Chapter XXI. The remaining branches and offshoots of the Kula (linia 5706)
Chapter XXII. The meaning of the Kula (linia 5815)