Spis treści

    1. Chrystus: 1 2
    2. Matka Boska: 1
    3. Modlitwa: 1 2

    Mother of Godtłum. Jarek Zawadzki

    Matka Boska Modlitwa Virgin, Mother of God, God-famed Mary!
    Ask Chrystus Thy Son , our Lord, God-named Mary,
    To have mercy upon us and hand it over unto us!
    Kyrie eleison! [1]
    Chrystus Modlitwa Son of God, for Thy Baptist's[2] sake,
    Hear the voices, fulfill the pleas we make!
    Listen to the prayer we say,
    For what we ask, give us today:
    Life on earth free of vice;
    After life: paradise!
    Kyrie eleison!



    In Greek: „Lord, have mercy upon us!”. [przypis tłumacza]


    Jesus' Baptist, that is John the Baptist. [przypis tłumacza]